Fredrik Quistbergh

Name and batch: Fredrik Quistbergh, SWY10. Batch representative SWY10. Read more. This is me now: I live with my family in Stockholm, Sweden. I am working as a freelance writer and journalist. Please see more at my homepage: Best SWY memory: All the wonderful people and open atmosphere at sea. On the ship everything was possible. Learn […]
Lotta Jarvenius Rössner
Name and Batch: Lotta Jarvenius Rössner, SWY10 (NL), F-group. Treasurer. This is me now: I live and work in Stockholm together with my boyfriend. I work at the National Board for Youth Affairs dealing with international youth exchanges within an European Union Programme. Best SWY memory: The people, the friends, Nippon Maru all together. All the […]
Filip Lendahls
Name and batch: Filip Lendahls, SWY18. Secretary/Vice president. This is me now: I live in Växjö (southeast Sweden) with my girlfriend Marie and our daughter Liv. I work as a journalist and photographer at a company called Visma. Best SWY memory: All the new friends I made. What the SWY-experience has meant to me: I now […]
Malin Öhrman

Malin Öhrman, 26 år. Who are you? An adventurous, happy, curious and dedicated political scientist. Expectations on the trip? Many exciting experiences and intercultural encounters, strong friendships and networks. Båtöverlevnadstips? A good sense of humour and patience Personal thing? Straps to a DIY gym and duct tape!
Catrin Wasberg

Catrin Wasberg, 27 år. Who are you? Medical student, lives in Gothenburg, was born in Halmstad. Interested in music and dance. Expectations on the trip? Interesting encounters with other cultures and collaborations / seminars in international affairs. Båtöverlevnadstips? Ipod or good ear plugs to sleep. Personal thing? Cashew.
Virginia Palm

Virginia Palm, 22 år. Who are you? Curious, the thirst for knowledge and social happy person. Like most challenges and collect the large tea-cups. Expectations on the trip? I hope that the trip becomes an adventure with the knowledge, experiences and memories for life and develop me as a person. Båtöverlevnadstips? Deep breaths! Roll up your […]
Anna Lind

Anna Lind, 29 years. Who are you? Engaged bureaucrat with a passion for international exchanges like pop, running, and discussions. Expectations on the trip? Intensity, friendship and innovation. Båtöverlevnadstips? Bid for yourself, try again and laughing at the bureaucracy. Personal thing? Mobile speaker.
Karolina Leopoldsson

Karolina Leopoldsson, 27 years. Who are you? Creative, student, living in Gothenburg with an interest in environmental issues. Expectations on the trip? Many interesting meetings and events. Båtöverlevnadstips? Writing to me, or take me to the sun deck. “Sol in mind, brown inside.”, By Sunes summer. Personal thing? Ipod full of SR Podcast.
Carolina Hawranek

Carolina Hawranek, 28 years. Who are you? Curious explorers born in Stockholm, grew up in western Sweden, Skåne in a decade but has the heart of Norrland.Expectations on the trip? A cultural adventure unparalleled and a chance to develop professionally and personally.Båtöverlevnadstips? Find a really good friend you can talk to about everything.Personal thing? My […]
Petter Falk

Petter Falk, 25 years. Who are you? From Sunnemo in Hagfors, Sweden. Lives since a number of years in Karlstad where I work, studying and living. Expectations on the trip? Have fun, learn as much as possible about other people, cultures and countries, and the journey continues after we had gone ashore. Båtöverlevnadstips? Bring your headphones and […]