MARCH 2018 – Official Japanese Week on campus in Umeå featured SWY-information

On February the 27th SWYAA Sweden’s representative had the immence pleasure of opening the Japanese Week on Campus at Umeå universitet with a joint lunch talk on Swedish-Japanese relations in collaboration with Association for International Affairs (Utrikespolitiska föreningen) in Umeå. Edward Fleetwood from from the Sweden-Japan foundation introduced with the history and overview of diplomatic and business relations. […]
DECEMBER 2016 – Cultural exchange, workshop and fundraising activity in Mexico

Once again it’s time for a twin-project together with SWYAA Mexico ( This time it will be a voluntary activity hosted by SWYAA Sweden in Puebla City in Mexico. A cultural exchange and learning workshop the whole day on the 22 of december 2016. N.B this article is published in English and Swedish below. Author: […]
MARCH 2016 – Tokyo Conference 2016 – first two days

Four days, 32 different nationalities and endless opportunities. The Tokyo Conference 2016 is the largest in the history of the SWY-program and brings together representatives from all the member countries of the Ship for World Youth Alumni Association International (SWYAA International) for the first time. Here is a short recap of the first two days. The […]