Från vardagsliv i Tokushima till karaoke i Shinjuku

Den svenska och den tanzaniska delegationen begav sig tillsammans mot Haneda airport för att flyga vidare till Tokushima som ligger på den västra sidan av Shikoku. Under resan hade vi ett fantastiskt väder och överflygningen av Mount Fuji gav oss tillfället att ta några riktigt häftiga bilder av vulkanen. Efter ankomsten och ett varmt välkomnande på flygplatsen bar det av mot Tokushima […]
Two Aussie’s, the Swedish delegation and bread that cracks
We knew it was going to be fun but we could not have imagined food as amazing or company so great!
Two very weary travellers got off the 6am plane to the waiting arms of Jenny – 3 years had changed nothing! And this first meeting set the tone for the rest of our stay.
Dariela came to town
I participated 1999 in the SWY11 because it was a great opportunity and because I LOVE the world! It was an amazing experience and what I have found even more amazing is that it has extended more than I thought. Last october 2007 I visited Sweden with my husband Arturo and contacted other ex-PY. Fredrik […]
The umbrella dancing queen
Soon after SWY18 we got an, for some of us, unexpected visit by Barbara Diniz from Brazil, aka “The umbrella dancing queen”. I must say that I was more than a little surprised when she all of a sudden turned up at a party in Gothenburg! It is great to know that most of us […]