Land i sikte
Båt måste vara det mest ultimata sättet att resa. Vi transporteras i realtid och skymtar land som en hägring borta vidi horisonten som långsamt tar form. Efter 10 dagar till havs med tropiska nätter, glimrande stjärnhimlar, delfiner och flygfiskar, korallrev och en hel del sjösjuka (dock inte för egen del) så går vi nu åter […]
Grasshoppers in teriyakisauce and Pokémon-sushi

I’m in heaven. Food heaven. Japan is intriguing in many ways. When it comes to food for example. This is a wonderful and crazy gastronmical journey. From grasshoppers in teriyaki too Pokemon-sushi. Tonight’s our last night in NYC/Tokyo. Tomorrow – time to go onboard the Fuji Maru heading for the Fiji, Solomons and Australia. Onwards […]
Min kära home-stay

Oj oj oj vilken helg. i fredags fick vi äntligen träffa våra home-stay föräldrar som man varit både pirrig och förväntansfull inför. Och vilken klockren träff, pappan i familjen var en trevlig 68årig man vid namn Sadaya Fujita. Trots att han aldrig hade studerat Engleska så kunde han en hel del och vi satt uppe […]
B your best
Getting to know the people around you is very essential for the purpose of this program. Now you start to feel that you really are making progress in this area, especially in your letter group. In letter group b we have really gotten a fantastic start. The peak of the day was to design the […]
One ship, one heart, one world
Gosh, we’ve been here for only a week, and it feels like a month. The days pass by so quickly here, but believe me that they are very intense. Yesterday night there was an icebreaking-night. All the participants gathered in a big room and did some games and dancing. There was one song that really […]
Tack till våra samarbetspartners

Sveriges delegation, SWY23, vill tacka våra samarbetspartners: – Japanska ambassaden för att just vi fick chansen! – Svenska Institutet för gåvor, informationsmaterial, stöd med frakt och stöd i förberedelsearbetet. – Utrikesdepartementet och Svenska Institutet för fortbildning kring bilden av Sverige och svensk-japanska relationer. – Svenska ambassaden i Tokyo för hjälp med logistik och hejaramsor. – Owe Sandström, ABBAs orginaldesigner, för lånet av […]
Welcome reception i Ibaraki (video)
Welcome reception i Ibaraki. Mycket surrealistisk upplevelse att gå Eriksgata in i bankettsalen där alla våra värdfamiljer väntades oss. Smattrande fotoblixtar och tal tal tal tal. Sedan uppträdande av oss, Salomonöarna och denna fantastiska japanska grupp Yosokoo-dansare. /Raja Bahari
The final pre-departure destination
The final destination before we are going to enter Fuji Maru on friday is the NYC center i Tokyo. This is a great place to meet the JPY:s for the first time. People are really excited, which you can tell very clearly. Some delegations show it more than others but everybody really want to make […]
Conquering the cold – the Japanese way
It is early morning in my host family’s house. The only reason I am awake this hour is of course because of the jet lag. I am lying on the mattress on the floor in my room that has no other furniture than a chair and a rug carpet covering the floor. It is freezing […]
The Frog Battle between Solomon Islands and Sweden
It is time to see more of Japan so all the delegations are teamed up two and two to travel to different parts, prefectures, of Japan. We are off to Ibaraki prefecture, close to Tokyo but a rural area, with the delegation from Salomon islands. In the bus from the train station Solomon islands suggests […]