A report and greetings to everyone from Ulrika Johansson, SWY 18 (2006), G-group.

It was a wonderful experience to participate in SWY! I have been working in different countries before and I was so pleased to meet so many nice and interesting people from all around the world. Before my participation I was studying political science and languages and I had been working with different projects financed by […]

SWYAA-SE Annual report 2007

As a relatively young member of the SWYAA family (SWYAA-SE was established in May 2006) our emphasis during 2007 was to further develop our domestic and international networks. Through widening and deepening our contacts with other AAs and ExPYs we aim to play a more active role in the extensive SWY network. In 2007 we […]

Annual general meeting 2007

The 17th of november 2007 SWYAA Sweden held their annual general meeting. A lot of members gathered at Fredriks apartment in central Stockholm to discuss SWY-matters. Some of them who couldn´t make it in person were present for phone conversations. The minutes of the annual general meeting (in Swedish) After the many hours of meeting […]

OPY:s in Swedish news articles.

Nerikes Allehanda, 8th of January, 2006. Part I (pdf), Part II (pdf), Part III (pdf), Part IV (pdf) Smålandsposten, Smålandsposten 25th of March, 2006.

Reunion in Greece

Lotta, Jenny and Fredrik participated in the first SWYAA Global Assembly in Greece, september 2007. It was four days of conference in Athens and four days of extended program in Mykonos. A total of around 40 participants from 16 different countries made the conference a real succes. Among other things the swedish food was really […]

Dariela came to town

I participated 1999 in the SWY11 because it was a great opportunity and because I LOVE the world! It was an amazing experience and what I have found even more amazing is that it has extended more than I thought. Last october 2007 I visited Sweden with my husband Arturo and contacted other ex-PY. Fredrik […]

A short update from Sara

Since returning from SWY 18 in March 2006 Sara continued studying Peace- and Development at university in Sweden. She participated in several youth projects set in Brussels, and unexpectedly had a mini-reunion with Ethemcan from SWY 17 (Turkey delegation) – small world! In June 2006 she participated in an exchange program with Universidad Ibero Americana […]

Update: Fredrik back from El Salvador

After almost two years in El Salvador, the heart of Central America, Fredrik Quistbergh (Ex PY, SWY 10) is back at Södermalm, Sweden. In El Salvador he was working for the swedish NGO UBV/Latinamerika as a correspondent. To work in a totally new language and new cultural context was a nice challenge for Fredrik. The […]

Update: Gigi in Thailand

This winter we, Gigi Lönn Stråle, SWY4, REN02 and family will live in Thailand, Koh Lanta, and have of course contacted our sisterorganisation in Thailand, SSEAP, to get in contact with fun and interesting peoples. Just out of coincidence some people from their ship 1977 ( ! ) had a reunion and a 30-year anniversary […]

Update. Helena in South Africa

After the fantastic SWY18 experience Helena moved to Brussels for five months and worked in the EU-capital as an intern for the UN. Thereafter she spent 6 months in Madrid, studying Spanish.   Since April 2007, Helena has been participating in a Master Programme called The Global Studies Programme, which is a Master degree taking […]