On the way to the airport

Here we go! After a very informative lecture at the Swedish Institute about the swedish brand, we are now off to the airport. In just a couple of hours we’ll be on the plain going to Paris and then directly to Tokyo. It sure feels awesome and we are all very exited and looking forward […]
Meet the Swedish delegation at SWY23

Interviews in Swedish, translated by Google translate plus some editing. Åsa Danielsson, 37 years National leader Who are you? Stockholm guide, tour guide, a copywriter, choreographer, flamenco dancer. Expectations on the trip? Meetings, insights, discussions, friendship, laughter, community, enlightening experiences. Boat survival trick? To bring the soundtrack to The Big Blue in your headphones, and […]
Photos from SWY4

Photos by: Gigi Lönn
Photos from the preparation meeting

Photos from latest members meeting

Annual report 2009

During 2009 the main goal of SWYAA-SE was to develop both our domestic and international networks. Even though our AA is one of the smaller ones we aim to play an active role in the SWY community. In 2009 we tried to accomplish that through various activities and initiatives from all our members, ExPY:s from […]
Möt SWY23:s deltagare

Read interviews with the participants on Ship for World Youth 23
En resenärs upplevelser

“Tänk er att stå längst fram på skeppet, det är natt och stjärnklart. Inga ljus som stör, inget framför, vid sidan om eller bakom fartyget. Och det är tyst. Stjärnhimlen är helt otrolig – jag har aldrig sett något liknande.”
Annelie in Swedish newspapers

Falköpings Tidning 23 dec-05 Falköpings Tidning 23 dec-05 Falköpings Tidning 5 mar-06 Falköpings Tidning 5 mar-06 Falköpings Tidning 28 oct. -08 Falköpings Tidning 24 dec-08 Falköpings Tidning 24 dec. -08 GöteborgsPosten jan-09 Skolvärlden jan-09
Vill du delta i SWY23, sök nu!
Ship for World Youth (SWY) är ett internationellt ungdomsutbytesprogram som anordnas och finansieras av Japans regering…